Oh did I ever mention before that my face is not 'UNIQUE" at all! Not unique nevermind but very common!sniff..every year also got people come and tell me I look very familiar or I look like somebody that they even mistaken me as the other person. During my 1st accounting tutorial, a 1st year Malay girl asked if my name is "...." (I can't really remember the name) but I said no and she said I look like that someone. Then my HRM tutor said I look very familiar. OMG.
OK..since this is a short post, will post some old pix (thumbnails) again:

1stPic: Liz,Mr.Merlin&Me in ICTlab in SGS back in F4 I think. 2ndPic: some F5B with T.Lina. 3rdPic: Us with Mrs.Clements in F3(woa really so long never seen her already). 4thPic: Us camwhorin eventho we were so dark(after sports day!)ahaha.
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