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Sunday, August 5, 2007

Hot Pizza???

Yesterday afternoon went Gadong again..ahaha. Yes got date with Angela at 2.30pm. First we went up to thefaceshop and met up with Pingie. She cari "kaki" to buy nail polish with her coz got promotion if buy 3 at once. So me&Ing bought also since that day I already said I want to buy one. hehe. I bought a shiny yellow one. There's too many colors I like so hard to choose. ahaha.
Then me&Angie went looking around and she went in Giordano to get a pants coz so cheap only so yea I get to see the person I want to see lor. He must be wondering why every other day he also see me one. Then got 3 days Travel Fair at The Mall so she wanted to check out how much the tour package to Taiwan...she want to go at the end of this year for her honeymoon if I'm not wrong. kekeke. Then we went to eat at Pizza Hut Primo and her treat.hehe. Ate a regular pan pizza..half Aussie BBQ Chicken and half Meat Love something I forgot but all I know I called that coz is spicy? BUT THEN!!! It turned out really hot and spicy coz of the small chilli padi or what they put so many inside! The chilli really too hot for me because those I always eat at restaurants one usually not even that hot one til I can finish the whole small plate with my food. ahaha..and Angie even funnier coz she seemed to "kacau" the guy waiter unintentionally lar by saying something.ahaha. She even said his hair look cute on him..the a bit like those classic 70's style? LOL. But I also think the style suit him lar.ahaha. Yes, Angie is getting married this November and going to take wedding photos in the next two weeks. She now deciding to get a diamond or a gold wedding ring. We both also prefer diamond ring but her mum prefer gold. hehe. I can't wait to see those photos and her wedding treat^^
Oh and at the Travel of the booth there..the guy who sat down in the booth and gave us flyers one...he looked like Saz soo much? At first I thought he was Saz so I just kept looking at him until he have to blink his eyes and gave me a blur "doiknowyou?" look.ahaha. Maybe is Saz's brother? This guy look chubbier in the face? But the eyes really almost same.ahaha. Maybe I should ask Saz one day if I get to talk to him.ahaha.
I got went back to shop and visit my colleagues again.hehe. Then saw my Junior eyecandy and he wore red&black soo yeng!<3>

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