hehe...my title means "how are you?" in Spanish. As usual, Monday I got only Spanish class for 2hrs. Today was quite fun...we did some reading, guessing and translating some words and sentences.hehe. Let me post some of the things we learnt today:
These are some of the responses to ¿cómo es usted? in order of good to bad:
1. muy bien (very fine), 2. bastante bien (pretty fine), 3.bien (fine), 4. regular, 5.así así (so-so), 6.mal (bad), 7.fatal/muy mal (very bad).
¿cómo se dice.....en español? - How do you say.....in Spanish?
no sé - I don't know ; sé - I know; ¡Vamos! - Let's Go!
¿dónde están los servicios? - Where is the toilet? (this question is I ask my teacher one)
¿te acuerdas de mi? - Do you remember me? ; ¿te extrañas? - Do you miss me?
¿cuánto vale? - How much is it (worth)? ; ¡ánimo! - Cheer up!
¡te quiero mucho! - I love you a lot! ; te odio - I hate you ; te echo de menos - I miss you
¿qué hora es? - What hour(time) is it? ; ¿como te llamas? - What is your name?
no entiendo - I don't understand ; nunca te olvidaré - I'll never forget you
That's all for now...lajee to post all.ahaha. There are actually different ways of asking the same questions or answering but our teacher taught us the more common ones use in Spain and not in Latin America.
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