Today lunch at Lina's shop. I ate a small redbean pao+drink coffee only. Lina showed me something really funny about Mel until I laughed uncontrollably even when there's a customer there. Sorry really can't control bah so just bursted out laughing.ahaha. Then got dinner date with Pingie at CA Mohd. That girl these days always say this line to me "Did I lock my car?OMG!" So yea everytime she had to go back and check her car.LOL. Pingie picked a very "romantic" spot for both of us somemore and we camwhorin there also!ahaha. I ate roti telur but couldnt finish coz like soo big man. Then Pingie went around Gadong looking for gift. Then she came to Jaya and find me. She very headache coz don't know what to buy. Don't worry we go around shops and see see next week lar! ahaha I also saw Von at Giordano buying clothes just now and I called out "Kim Dong Wan!" and she really turned.LOL.
arghh...why my senior eyecandy such a badass to me one...why everytime he dropped by must wear til the style I love soo much one?!!!! I don't dare to look at him even coz takut later "tien dao". arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
OK..time for some piccies:

I will post up the rest next time..ahaha. My classic pic will be on the way^^