My friend/x-colleague Angela has her wedding ceremony at the Catholic Church (St.George there) this morning at 9am. I was honoured to be asked to become their ring holder. Today was my 2nd or 3rd time went in the church. I remembered the first time was when I followed Lib to a mass few years back?hehe. I arrived a bit earlier this morning so I went to look around my ex-school SGS. Not much changes except for the teachers. hehe. The couple will have their wedding celebration next monday in Miri but too bad I can't attend coz exam week.
OK time for some piccies:

The wedding "rings" on the cute pillow.

Before the ceremony starts. L to R-Back: Groom&Bride's bro. Front: Me,Bride&Bride's Mom.


My angpow from the newly-wed :)

There are actually many more pix from 3 professional cameramen.ahaha
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