This morning had breakfast at Sing You Mee with Lina&her sis. Yea I was 20mins late so I was asked to treat them to 20 fried chickens!haha. I ate claypot mee til soo bloated. After that went Lina's mum salon to straighten my hair. Yes finally straightened my hair after like 4-5yrs?! At least now my hair no more like dry grass!lol. The whole process took 3hours only coz my hair wasn't that long and thick.hehe

^MinSyung in salon, preparing for CF shooting.keke

^Minbong's hairdresser=Sungie?

^camwhoring just after it's done.hehe. Very flat my hair!
Then we went Jaya coz Lina looking for her clothes for her singing performance on this 14th(Friday) night at Orchid Garden! She will be performing her title song+another bonus song for all her lovely fans out there!hehe. After Jaya, we went Mall and Lina bought 2 sleeveless whereas I got myself a black tube coz so cheap only after discount! Deng, I'm still eyeing on the red wallet there which now has 20% discount, I should get it soon huh? I'm really wallet-less now. After shopping, we went Fusion to eat since we haven't lunch yet. This time I tried their rice, I think the one I ordered is called something "nasi briyani Mongol"? It actually tasted quite nice.hehe. Lina ate her usual sandwich decker? Angela ordered rice also but I don't what it's call, the sauce for it is nice! She ordered the Pink Panther drink also which is mixture of peach and some other fruits? Quite nice too^^ I kept pestering her on the "Coco Brahama Mama" drink or something like that the name, the name just made me laugh As usual we camwhore there again:

^Lina and her new nice hairband! She looks nice with it!

^Top: Angela, Bottom: Me. Cute Xmax hairband kan?hehe

^My Mongol rice? U can see one side already taken, can't wait to try

The rice that Angela ordered. The sauce got the chinese herbs taste+coriander+black pepper which is very nice! :)
Pingie visited me at work just now evening after her work! We chatted quite long. She and her curiosity on "some" stuffs at my shop there.After her dinner with Ziman, she broughjt Ziman to visit me and also intro him to that "some" stuffs. That two really made me cracked only especially this Pingie ah...even Ziman thinks she's abit not that "normal".ahahaha. This girl shiok ler, going off holidays soon and she will spend her Xmas in S'pore! Shiok lar! She's already counting down the hours she will breathe in the Taiwan air.ahaha. Deng, I want to go also. Pingie bring Danson back for me if can! If not then bring Yalun or Xiu!!!mwahahaha.
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