We arrived at 9am and went 2020 as usual to eat our breakfast. I ate dimsum and porridge. After that we supposed to go Bintang Plaza but then my dad didn't want to turn in already when he saw no more parking in front of the building and somemore now need to pay. At the back of the building totally can't park coz they are constructing a new building? The space there already soo small and they still can build another building.haiz. Sniff...I really want to go Bintang Plaza coz I want to eat McD/Pizza Hut and go to Popular Bookstore! I'm like craving for McD and Miri only has like 1 McD but got 3 KFCs?haiz.
So we went to Imperial Mall instead. First thing me&my dad did was went into an optic shop.ahaha. We both made new spectacles. I'm happy that is quite cheap and finally got the frame I like. It's medium-square&dark blue.hehe. Surprisingly, when they checked my eyes, only my astimagtism went up a little and only on one side of the eye. I always thought my degree will increase alot by now.lol. Then I head straight up to Bystar to get my Danson's album. I'm soo happy when I saw the 2nd version being sold instead coz got additional 6 calender cards and I made a bargain with the boss too^^ Then went to the small book/mag shop and bought COLORS mags! I thought they wouldn't have and somemore soo cheap! Love the free X Family Calender 2008 poster!hehe. Then went Speedy to check if they have OST-X Family, they have the 1st version only which I don't want coz doesn't have the 2 additional songs by Danson&A*Chord! After that went around the mall with my mom and I just couldn't resist to step in every shoe shops. Yes, I bought another shoe again and is a pair of brown heels.hehe. Today whole afternoon raining, but lucky wasn't humid or anything.

^♡ wo de ai ♡
Then my dad brought us to "Sau Pau Cafe&Bakery" somewhere near Imperial Mall? I can't remember the exact name but yea, the cafe is famous for its sau pau. So many people tapau, not only the sau pau but other buns/pastries! My parents ate the sau pau and a few others. They say quite nice.hehe. I just ate red bean bun and egg tart.

After that we went Boulevard Mall before going back home. I bought a few Elianto stuffs coz really consider quite cheap and still is from Korea^^ But the salesgirls there all like don't know how to serve customers one. The one I got even worst, somemore kept arguing with me that it's the same color just coz the color for both ends are quite same when I can see the head colors are soo different and even the name of the colors stated there are obviously different colors. I really sweatdrop there only. She like no patience to let me choose the colors/things I want?haiz. Then went in the Star Idol Shop in the hope to find some Yuzhe's stuffs but I didn't see any, not even a single keychain/handphone chain! sniff...But then I'm glad I bought the FANS mag with Jiro&Yuzhe on cover page last minute coz every page made me drools. It has Jiro&Yuzhe,Yalun,Calvin, many other cute guys, and most importantly it has XIU!!! I wanted to scream out already when I saw 2 pages of Xiu and the pix are soo cute!!!argh...how I wish I have a poster of Xiu!!! Before going back, we ate at Sugarbun and I char tao by their "new hot&spicy chicken" coz seriously no hot or spicy at all.ahahaha

^I took these when was bored sitting there waiting for my parents at Boulevard Mall. X'mas X'mas is coming soon...hehe.
On our way back, my mum wanted to go Hua Ho Tutong Mall coz we've never been there before since it opened. ahaha..and we made a few rounds before got there coz my dad ddidn't know where it was.LOL. And I slept on our way back from Tutong coz soo sleepy already and it's raining! Tonight like got few places got flooded?hmmm...
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