Woa didn't blog since Friday. Let me see...last Friday went hangout with Lina at the Mall. I dragged her to go Arcade and play the Time Crisis game with me!haha. Then I go to work as usual. Saturday afternoon went to work also but only for awhile coz Lina picked me up to go her house. I went to her sister&aunt's birthday party at night, and overnight there too. Oh before we went home, I was soo hungry so we went to eat at Red Canopy at Batu Bersurat. Our first time there and the ambience&food quite nice^^
Then when arrived at her house, she let me play the game "Death on the Nile" on her lappie. I played til soo focused somemore coz the game needs you to find things and really test your eyesights man! In the end I gave up coz soo blur already.lol. After that she let me watched "Happy Together" with DBSK! OMG! I laughed til' crajee man! This Park Myung Soo really soo crap!hahaha. But DBSK was really cute in the show! She also let me watched another "ancient" gameshow which was even funnier!!(what's the name of the show?) I laughed til soo tired man! ASARABIYAA!!!!! hahaha.
Yesterday we went lunch at "Shikai"( Four Sea Hut) and my as usual soo many people, full til we have to sit outside the very corner there. But I sad coz they can't let me mix roasted chicken with the chinese herb already coz last time I ever ordered (yes I always like to order the one not in the menu..lol). So no choice just eat the normal roasted chicken rice coz I don't eat "duck" (Yes, I sayang my Teukie bah!). Soo nice that we all were given Shikai's own table calenders, and it's very nice too! Somemore too nice to me until my month (MAY), it's the intro of their infamous "chinese herb roasted duck"!!!LOL. After that, I went to Lina's tuition and tried to do some of the 62 MCQs but my head really dizzy when I read the textbook trying to look for the answers. Kek dao coz most I can't even find!!! Oh, my parents really funny...bought a pretty plastic rack(4 levels)...arrived home proudly showed to me and then arguing where to put coz my dad initially bought that for the bathroom but my mom said it's just too "pretty" and quite big for it so she put it in her kitchen. I really *sweatdrops* there.
Today got OB test but only studied last minute. Luckily it was not that hard. The MCQs assignment really simply do one and finished this morning only coz I just couldn't find the answers in the textbook.haiz. Then haven't even write any korean emails to my sunsaengnim and it's part of our coursework marks she said just now! So I need to send her 3 as soon as possible, and end of the month have to send 2 more. *dies* After my class at 6pm, went to Lina's tuition to help tuition 4 students for Commerce, and haha I just think they don't get my explanations. Proves that I am really not qualify for teaching.lol.
Some pix from the ICC Book Fair&Sarawak Travel Fair at Mall:

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