........day has passed. ahaha...I sounded very lame...don't know what title to put. More like almost a week since my last post. Last Saturday really not my day coz rushed to uni and foundout lecture cancelled!arfghhh...I wanted to go home but didn't so I waited 2 hours for my next class. Then the next lecture, the class' aircond&light not working!!! So hot for 2 hours that me&Ping went out for a short walk to ICT to get notes but we very "kek" coz its not there! At night went hangout with Lina,Moon&Lin in Gadong. Sooo traffic that night and also on Sunday afternoon!!! We ate at McD and got to eat my Prosperity Meal at last!!!ahaha. After dinner we just went around the Mall to see if there's anything to buy for CNY. On Sunday, Me&Lina went to the very old 1st Emporium at Seri. Really long time didn't go there already. We went to Mall again and I bought a red shirt for CNY. Then on that night my parents decided we going back Sibu for CNY so I think I will just go back there and buy my clothes as usual. My dad wanted to go back on Monday the 4th but I can't coz I got presentation on that day so we going back on Tuesday.
Tuesday and today went to work to check stock again. So tired and a bit dizzy this time. Yesterday saw a new Donut shop in Gadong, previously "Pondok Sari Wangi" but now is "L.A. Donut&Cafe?"...is just opposite Sweet Deli. I being a bread/donut lover, went in to see and bought a Crispy Choc Donut. The Cafe also serves other appetizers aside from donuts and its ambience also quite nice.hehe. Then just now only foundout from Pingie that Yayasan also has a new donut shop?!!! Deng...proves I really long time didn't go there already. I want Dunkin Donut back here!!! I miss their donuts!!!
Yesterday I received my very very early birthday presents from one of my colleague who is working til end of this month only. It was her birthday yesterday so I bought a few gifts for her and all are pink so she loves it! Then I was shocked when she gave me a brown bag and a photoframe and said its my advance birthday gifts.ahaha
Tonight's Pingie's bday dinner treat...me,Thinz&Pingie ate at Jollibee The Mall and then dessert at Gelato. Thanx Pingie^^ She said my gifts to her all weird one...the earring she thought bullets, the aeroplane pencil she thought is for her lil' bro, the crystal salts without instructions, and she didn't know that in the bag still got many small stuffs.lol. Then we went see see around the shops beside Arcade and then to Xplorer. Xplorer got many cute and nice stuffs. This Pingie made me like the "da bien"(s***) soft keychain coz I think is soo cute! Got different face expressions somemore! If only is cheaper, I would have gotten it just now. Who wants to get for me? *hint hint* haha. Aish and forgot to take pix of it too.
Anyways here are some piccies: (click on it)
Heart shape cookie(what's the name for it again?)...Pingie bought from Taiwan. Thanx^^ Soo pretty lar that I don't want to eat it.ahaha
pretty and cute teapots kan?hehe
My Danson(Yuzhe)'s storybook! Yes he's the author of the book! Pingie got it from Taiwan for me. Thanx alot^^
When I saw the name....Daesungie just popped into my mind!!!ahaha
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Saturday, January 26, 2008
IM Charity Evening 2008
CHARITY EVENING for S.M.A.R.T.E.R. on 2nd FEB 2008 organised by the medical students of the Institute of Medicine, Universiti Brunei Darussalam, in collaboration with Phuture Phase Productions..All proceeds from this charity evening will go to S.M.A.R.T.E.R.~ REACH OUT TOUCH A HEART ~.CHARITY EVENINGS AIM:The primary aim of this Charity Evening is to increase awareness in the society regarding autism and the role of S.M.A.R.T.E.R. and also to raise fund to support S.M.A.R.T.E.R. in their efforts to maintain the centre and their specific programmes..S.M.A.R.T.E.R. with reference to http://www.smarterbrunei.org/"The Society for the Management of Autism Related issues - Training, Education and Resources" of Brunei or in The Society shall be a BENEVOLENT SOCIETY, VOLUNTARY, NON-PROFIT MAKING SOCIETY".Briefly, S.M.A.R.T.E.R. Brunei was formed on 9th September 2001, by Malai Hj Abdullah. It is a non-governmental, non-profit center which aims to support the individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and their family members socially, technically, environmentally as well as psychologically, which is S.T.E.P in short..S.M.A.R.T.E.R. has 62 members consisting mostly of parents of autistic children. Since SMARTER is a non-governmental organization, it continues to runby the support of donations from the public as well as private sectors. Therefore, this event has been organized to raise and contribute funds to the organization, so it will carry on running.
{CREDITZ TO - http://www.imcharityevening2008.blogspot.com/}
Friday, January 25, 2008
Woa...more than a week I didn't blog...too busy and too lazy. Been going to work for past few days coz I need to earn more money to payback to those I owed. Sorry yea to those I owed, I can only payback after I got my salary, hopefully on 1st or 2nd Feb.LOL. And I realised this month, I kept buying birthday presents too.ahaha. But I think I used up my money mostly on food this month! I just can't seem to resist nice food (my McD Prosperity meal is coming tomorrow!hehe), no wonder my pants got tighter. *dies*
New semester started 2 weeks only and I already thinkin' of not going to lecture. My this sem's timetable got alot of waiting time which I hate!!!! Somemore many late afternoon classes so made me can't concentrate properly.haiz. And still got one more tutorial not yet settle and 2 more textbooks to buy?hmmmm
One happy thing for me is that I saw back my eyecandy today!hehe.
And The Chinese New Year decors up at NBT!!! Want to go take pix soon coz this year one soo cute coz got mouse(Rat year)!!! kekeke
Hope is not too late to put these messages:
Happy Belated Birthday to Andy oppa on 21st Jan and congrats to him for his 1st solo album released on the same day too!!! I like and recommend his album!^^
Happy Belated Birthday to my partner in crime, Pingie@Pinky on the 22nd Jan.!!!
May all your wishes come true!!! :)
New semester started 2 weeks only and I already thinkin' of not going to lecture. My this sem's timetable got alot of waiting time which I hate!!!! Somemore many late afternoon classes so made me can't concentrate properly.haiz. And still got one more tutorial not yet settle and 2 more textbooks to buy?hmmmm
One happy thing for me is that I saw back my eyecandy today!hehe.
And The Chinese New Year decors up at NBT!!! Want to go take pix soon coz this year one soo cute coz got mouse(Rat year)!!! kekeke
Hope is not too late to put these messages:
Happy Belated Birthday to Andy oppa on 21st Jan and congrats to him for his 1st solo album released on the same day too!!! I like and recommend his album!^^
Happy Belated Birthday to my partner in crime, Pingie@Pinky on the 22nd Jan.!!!
May all your wishes come true!!! :)
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Back to study...
Last Monday, started my 4th semester...but I'm seriously still in my "no-study" mood. First day already made me really headache coz of arranging the timetable. Hopefully can confirm and settle the timetable by Saturday or Monday. Tuesday went to work again. Wednesday rest at home...I slept for more than 13 hours I think coz really very very tired and sleepy. Then watched finish the drama "Annyeong, Francesca!" that I borrowed from my sunsaengnim. The drama is really lame lor, kept char-dao me only.ahaha. Somemore got guest appearances by Tony Ahn and Jo Hye Ryeon.LOL. Then Explore Human Body(EHB) episode 10 which was part 2 of SUJU&DBSG special..was soo funny...with the subs I laughed til crajee.ahaha. I really like Yesung oppa in EHB coz he's really too cute and crap already.hehe. And even my Teuk oppa learned some cold jokes from my Gag family.lol.
Then today is such a not good day for me. Early morning, mood already not good coz worried over something, then this waitress at this restaurant had to piss me off with her tone. The way she talked to customer so rough like that. No wonder I don't like to go back that restaurant eventho I'm kinda related to the owner. I think this is my first time really pissed off with a waitress until I don't even have appetite already. OK, then I went to work. When I came back from the bank, suddenly we all got many things to do. So busy til I have to cancel my roti telur teabreak with Lina. I was soo sleepy, my head hurt a bit also, and soo hungry. Then we waited for the people we expecting to drop by, but noooooo....I waited til 6+pm and still no sign or news...I went offwork to Mall and ate my dinner at KFC with Lina,Moon,Lin&Nick. Halfway enjoying my food, my colleague called me and told me the people just came...but too bad I no time. Nice.... they want to come that time, the person should have just call us up and inform us coz we really thought they not coming already.arfgghhhhh.....whatever lar...
Ok..then we went to watch "Cloverfield". Seriously not recommending this movie at all. If you are those people who get headache or dizzy easily, please AVOID watching this. Also, don't eat full full before going to watch this movie, later u will feel like throwin up like a pregnant lady. So yea...me&Lina really cannot stand coz we both don't feel well already so we went out from the cinema 30mins before ending. The videocamera in the movie really making people very very dizzy.OMG!haiz...but soo many nice trailers just now tho...so want to watch Kungfu Panda, Narnia 2, Sweeney Todd, Spiderwick and Kungfu Dunk.hehe
Then today is such a not good day for me. Early morning, mood already not good coz worried over something, then this waitress at this restaurant had to piss me off with her tone. The way she talked to customer so rough like that. No wonder I don't like to go back that restaurant eventho I'm kinda related to the owner. I think this is my first time really pissed off with a waitress until I don't even have appetite already. OK, then I went to work. When I came back from the bank, suddenly we all got many things to do. So busy til I have to cancel my roti telur teabreak with Lina. I was soo sleepy, my head hurt a bit also, and soo hungry. Then we waited for the people we expecting to drop by, but noooooo....I waited til 6+pm and still no sign or news...I went offwork to Mall and ate my dinner at KFC with Lina,Moon,Lin&Nick. Halfway enjoying my food, my colleague called me and told me the people just came...but too bad I no time. Nice.... they want to come that time, the person should have just call us up and inform us coz we really thought they not coming already.arfgghhhhh.....whatever lar...
Ok..then we went to watch "Cloverfield". Seriously not recommending this movie at all. If you are those people who get headache or dizzy easily, please AVOID watching this. Also, don't eat full full before going to watch this movie, later u will feel like throwin up like a pregnant lady. So yea...me&Lina really cannot stand coz we both don't feel well already so we went out from the cinema 30mins before ending. The videocamera in the movie really making people very very dizzy.OMG!haiz...but soo many nice trailers just now tho...so want to watch Kungfu Panda, Narnia 2, Sweeney Todd, Spiderwick and Kungfu Dunk.hehe
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Happy Birthday Marlin a.k.a. Ah Jin!!!
These few days of planning the surprise birthday celebration for Marlin finally paid off coz it was a success!!!! We had the surprise celebration at the old Gadong Pizza Hut and thanks alot to all the staff there for their great help&cooperation! The plan was we actually already promised to have dinner together at Pizza Hut but last minute told her all of us can't make it except Lina&Nick but Lina will be late also. Then me,Lina,Moon&Von hid at the other side so she couldn't see us and we like suffering there coz need bend down so our head can't be seen. We somemore kept laughin and camwhorin again.ahahaha. Then when the main lady character appeared, the staff informed us and so they started singing birthday song with guitar while bringing the cake out to Marlin&Nick's table.kekeke. After they finished singing then we only went to their table. Oh and even got hidden camera which I asked the staff for help also. The video is just soo cute coz Marlin looked shocked and blur there.lol. We were so hungry til we started eatin the bday cake first. Then don't how come we ordered so much til can't even finish all. All of us ate til soo bloated especially Nick coz I kept asking him to eat garlic bread n the pizzas!ahaha. And Marlin went to pay the bill when she said she go toilet, nice kan? We surprise her, she surprise us.ahaha. Thanx Marlin for the treat^^ After dinner, we went walking around to SKH,The Mall and the new Happy Star shop. The new Happy Star shop is cute, I like the stuffs there. We see see til didn't realised it's closing time and so we have to go back there next time lor.haha.
Time for some piccies: (click on the pix)
At Pizza Hut on 12/01/2008

Today is Meilin's birthday and we went to her house at noon to celebrate. We had laksa, chicken and fried mee for lunch! Love the laksa and roasted chicken most coz soo yummy!hehe. Then we had fun taking random&funny pix, and also videos of Marlin opening her presents one by one. I think all of our gifts to her are 21 or more for her 21st birthday.hehe.
*WARNING! Lotsa pix!ahaha*

OMG! Finally done. Still got more from Nick&Moon's cameras? hehe...tomorrow start new semester already..my 4th semester. Have to wake up early already.booohoooo..........
Time for some piccies: (click on the pix)
At Pizza Hut on 12/01/2008

Today is Meilin's birthday and we went to her house at noon to celebrate. We had laksa, chicken and fried mee for lunch! Love the laksa and roasted chicken most coz soo yummy!hehe. Then we had fun taking random&funny pix, and also videos of Marlin opening her presents one by one. I think all of our gifts to her are 21 or more for her 21st birthday.hehe.
*WARNING! Lotsa pix!ahaha*

OMG! Finally done. Still got more from Nick&Moon's cameras? hehe...tomorrow start new semester already..my 4th semester. Have to wake up early already.booohoooo..........
Friday, January 11, 2008
I feel like..........
...........stressed, worried and tired. One thing I know, being a multi-tasker is not a good thing for me....not at all. And I really need to learn to say the word "NO"!!! No No No! arghhhh....I am going crajee, that's why if u r with me this week, u can see or hear me just laugh out suddenly or crack some lame jokes. Either that or u see my zombified face. haiz. I want a whole week of break.....why new semester has to start soo fast?!!!!! I can't wait for Chinese New Year so I can have my holidays, not in Brunei!!!
All I need now is sleep...ZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
All I need now is sleep...ZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Monday, January 7, 2008
Results out...
Wow...seems like I'm too busy to even blog these few days.ahaha. Actually I'm lazy also. These few days didn't do much, Thursday I didn't work coz want to rest, Friday went to work, Saturday went to work for awhile but kept going out here and there.lol. Sunday went to work full day again coz understaff. I was too tired yesterday to even on my computer, so I went to sleep from midnight til this afternoon 1pm.ahaha. Then I asked my dad to send me to uni to return the library books I borrowed if not I will be fined again! But before that I received my exam results' sms! I'm quite satisfied with my results since I achieved the overall grade I aimed for my 3rd semester.hehe.
Intermediate Korean - A
Elementary Spanish - B
Intro to Accounting - B
Human Resource Management - B
English for Business - C
Foundation of Information System - C
Business Law - D
But a bit kek tio lor the 2 subjects I studied most n earliest are the 2 worst ones I got! How nice is that?haiz.ahaha. Hope next semester can achieve better results and the overall grade I'm aiming! :) Aja Aja Hwaiting!!!
Intermediate Korean - A
Elementary Spanish - B
Intro to Accounting - B
Human Resource Management - B
English for Business - C
Foundation of Information System - C
Business Law - D
But a bit kek tio lor the 2 subjects I studied most n earliest are the 2 worst ones I got! How nice is that?haiz.ahaha. Hope next semester can achieve better results and the overall grade I'm aiming! :) Aja Aja Hwaiting!!!
Thursday, January 3, 2008
need...a good break
Yes....I need, I want a good break. I'm stressing even more during this semester break than when I was studying. My work is really cracking up my head...have I ever said before that accounts make me go crajee? Accounts+last minute work+full time = STRESS!!! I don't want to even think about it now. I want to go out relax! But semester startin in less than 2 weeks from now. This makes me feel the 1 month break is very short only. haiz.
Lack of sleep+stress = headaches and very short temper. Sorry if I get moody very fast these days yea. Somemore I read in newspaper today that lack of deep sleep can cause insulin resistance and leads to "diabetes type 2"?? Also, in the newspaper I saw that to destress, avoid taking caffeine, sugar...but I everyday also drink coffee to try to keep me awake which didn't really work for me now. Then another way is to laugh more. So yea trying my best to laugh more or crack more jokes kan?ahaha. Then all those "office politics" that revolves around me...I don't want to care but just listen to their stories.
My 2008 New Year's wishes:
- my family and friends to be in good health (especially my mom - hope her cough will stop soon)
- to study harder and get better results
- to be able to coup my study-work life
- to save more money to go holidays!
- to go to Big Bang's concert!
- to go Korea with friends end of this year!
- to see/meet Shinhwa oppa deul before they go off to military service!
- to have our SHINHWA sisterz reunion this year!
- to go back Singapore to meet up with relatives and some friends
- to be a part-time comedian?ahaha
- better/more business for my dad
- to get to celebrate my 21st birthday with my family and close friends
- to have eyecandies ;)
Hmmm...I think that is all that I can think of now. Quite many already huh?hehe.
Lack of sleep+stress = headaches and very short temper. Sorry if I get moody very fast these days yea. Somemore I read in newspaper today that lack of deep sleep can cause insulin resistance and leads to "diabetes type 2"?? Also, in the newspaper I saw that to destress, avoid taking caffeine, sugar...but I everyday also drink coffee to try to keep me awake which didn't really work for me now. Then another way is to laugh more. So yea trying my best to laugh more or crack more jokes kan?ahaha. Then all those "office politics" that revolves around me...I don't want to care but just listen to their stories.
My 2008 New Year's wishes:
- my family and friends to be in good health (especially my mom - hope her cough will stop soon)
- to study harder and get better results
- to be able to coup my study-work life
- to save more money to go holidays!
- to go to Big Bang's concert!
- to go Korea with friends end of this year!
- to see/meet Shinhwa oppa deul before they go off to military service!
- to have our SHINHWA sisterz reunion this year!
- to go back Singapore to meet up with relatives and some friends
- to be a part-time comedian?ahaha
- better/more business for my dad
- to get to celebrate my 21st birthday with my family and close friends
- to have eyecandies ;)
Hmmm...I think that is all that I can think of now. Quite many already huh?hehe.
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Happy New Year 2008!!!
새해 복 많이 많이 받으세요!!!!!

Today didn't do much, woke up in the afternoon, online for awhile and then went out with parents. We went Hua Ho Manggis coz I wanted to use the vouchers but in the end didn't find anything I want there. I'll try the Qlap one next time.hehe. Then we had our tea break there too. Love its chakoi!haha. I went to shop for snacks and found some new ones?hehe.
I slept for awhile at night coz can't online also due to the rain&thunder!! My dad came home and brought us out to dinner/supper at Sing You Mee as usual.lol.

^my share of Patchi chocs...all gold, so 'one' of my wishes for this new year is to have more money in 2008^^

^Yangpa(onion) ring. I didn't buy coz I don't really like all onion taste/smell.ahaha
Getting more and more Meiji snacks in Brunei but some are really quite expensive neh.

^Garlic toast snack? I didn't buy this also. Someone wanst to buy or tried it before, tell me how is it k?hehe

^Black pepper pretzel? I didn't dare to buy this but I bought the BBQ pretzel one tho. Haven't try.haha

^Last but not least, did u see the choc's brand name?!! Is Danson! But I haven't get to try the chocs yet. I'm very happy Pingie told me she bought the Danson storybook for me already!wheee...Merci^^
OK done...soo sienz tomorrow have to work again full day.haiz.

Today didn't do much, woke up in the afternoon, online for awhile and then went out with parents. We went Hua Ho Manggis coz I wanted to use the vouchers but in the end didn't find anything I want there. I'll try the Qlap one next time.hehe. Then we had our tea break there too. Love its chakoi!haha. I went to shop for snacks and found some new ones?hehe.
I slept for awhile at night coz can't online also due to the rain&thunder!! My dad came home and brought us out to dinner/supper at Sing You Mee as usual.lol.

^my share of Patchi chocs...all gold, so 'one' of my wishes for this new year is to have more money in 2008^^

^Yangpa(onion) ring. I didn't buy coz I don't really like all onion taste/smell.ahaha
Getting more and more Meiji snacks in Brunei but some are really quite expensive neh.

^Garlic toast snack? I didn't buy this also. Someone wanst to buy or tried it before, tell me how is it k?hehe

^Black pepper pretzel? I didn't dare to buy this but I bought the BBQ pretzel one tho. Haven't try.haha

^Last but not least, did u see the choc's brand name?!! Is Danson! But I haven't get to try the chocs yet. I'm very happy Pingie told me she bought the Danson storybook for me already!wheee...Merci^^
OK done...soo sienz tomorrow have to work again full day.haiz.
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