Helloooo!!! How are you? hehe. As for me, been eating and eating for the past few days...seriously can feel like I'm getting fatter and fatter. I went Tasek last Sunday with parents and I felt refreshed after that so hope can go Tasek exercise more often.....if I got the time. The place there is just beautiful~ I like it^^ Hope can go picnic there too with friends one day.hehe.
2 rainbows!!! hehe...I 'sakai' coz first time seeing 2 rainbows together! 예쁘다~
Our last fangirls meeting at Ahan Thai before Grace go Korea and SC already in Taiwan. Can't wait to have another one soon after both of them comeback.hehe. It's the day to finalise our project and YES!!! We finally finished it! It actually took me a few sleepless nights for this~피곤하지만 재미있었어요! :) We were satisfied with our final outcome...esp. the front and back covers by Pingie! Soo nice!hehe. I will do another one soon next month for my dearest^^

After that Pingie and I went around Mall and we decided to share and try the new DQ blizzard flavor~ "Oolong Tea with waffles". When we first ate, really tasted "blehhh" coz really the oolong tea taste...but as you keep eating, it actually tasted not bad but better eat together with the pieces of waffles.ahaha. Don't think I will order the 2nd time though.lol.

Then how 'lucky' was I that my slippers broke when I was in Unitek. So Pingie had to walk back to her car and then pick me up.ahaha. Then she brought me to one of the small retail shop in Bandar to simply buy a pair of cheap slippers. Both of us were thinking of that 'simple' slipper but who knows I cameout with this nice pair of slipper which cost $3.50 only?!ahaha. It's orange somemore!! It's really comfy so I'm really satisfied with it.^^ Then I didn't expect it to become a 'hot item' at my workplace coz my colleagues all have nicer and much more expensive slippers than me! They were quite shocked when I told them how much I bought.lol.
There were also pasar malam stalls beside the Yayasan and also beside the public library! So many roads were blocked coz of that~ But the main one is still the one opposite Radisson Hotel and Royal Regalia. So many people and soo smoky!!!

"Sotong Tutuk" is yummy!

We sat at the roadside to eat just like the others. Love the feeling!hehe. The "BBQ fishballs and jumbo hotdog" were yummy too! The chicken kebab also nice! ~You can see the "Royal Regalia", beautiful night street of BSB, and the archs for Sultan's Birthday beside the Post Office.^^
Here you can see~ our classic clock in BSB with pretty lights, the junctions in front of HSBC and Coffee Bean, one of the post-box in Bandar, one of the bus stand in front of Tamu Kianggeh, Kianggeh river, and beautiful SOAS mosque at night.
Yesterday night was at Lina's house with Marlin. We had dinner together and then sleepover. Overall, I still prefer the normal pizza set~
"World Cup Pizza" set with 6 different tastes of 6 different countries.
Marlin's creation at night when she was being hyper!ahahaha. That's my laptop coz you can see U-KISS AS MY WALLPAPER!!lol. The headphone is mine and the rest is Lina's.hehe
Love this song since the first time I went to stream it when it was out~ ZE:A - Level Up(이별드립). I love their car racing concept this time! Thanx to this song, I got to findout the guy that I was attracted to in Idol League last time with U-Kiss is the same guy I got attracted to when I watch the perf. I got attracted to him coz his singing makes me melt~ One of the main vocals of ZE:A. haha...actually got attracted to "Hyungshikkie" when I first saw him dancing comically to Norazo's song in Idol League!!ahaha..he's just soo funny! I think I will spam about him more next time ;)
*ZE:A (제국의아이들 - Child of Empire) - 9 members guy group debuted on 15 January 2010 and from the same company as V.O.S. and Jewelry. The group consists of Junyoung(leader - Yoochun lookalike), Kwanghee, Heechul, Siwan, Kevin, Dongjun(maknae), Minwoo, Taehun, and Hyungshik(my cute prince).
ZE:A - Level Up(이별드립) perf
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