Hola! Today afternoon's weather was soo scary coz of the lightning and thunder! I was with Pingie, Sincheah, Grace and Tina at LaMee for our fangirl project meet-up, and we were sitting outside which made it more scary! We could see the flashes of lightning and the very loud thunder. But got one lightning and thunder that really shocked all of us especially me coz I saw that "flash of lightning" hitting on the road in front of LaMee just behind Pingie! That time I was like "OMG!" and we all faster packed our stuffs and moved inside. The thunder that came after the lightning was soo loud til' most of the cars' alarms went off. Seriously it's not that 'cool' to witness that flash of lightning hitting soo near you! It's just soo scary...
Last Wednesday met-up with Krishna for the first time after she cameback here for holidays. We had dinner at Ahan Thai with Lina, Marlin and Nick. It's been ages since I stepped into Ahan Thai. I think it looks much better now?hahaha. The food is quite cheap and not bad also.hehe
Teacher Nick with "Buttermilk chicken". Lina with "Nestum chicken".
Marlin with the "regular Teh C ping"(Oh yes they are famous for their large&cheap drinks). Everyone ordered the regular cold drinks and I ordered hot Teh C, so that shortest cup was mine.ahaha
A close-up of Krishna's meal~ Pepper chicken. And then us posing.^.^
After dinner, we were thinking what should we do on a public holiday. In the end we decided to go watch the movie "Inception" which I called up Cineplex and asked for "Inspection" coz I never heard of the movie before. I bet the guy at the counter was laughing at me.lol. Thus, on Sultan's 64th birthday, we went to watch "Inception", which is a movie with very high ratings. I can say it didn't disappoint me at all coz the story was cool eventho the beginning was quite slow and that my brain was also very slow in understanding what's going on.haha. Dreams within a dream...
I agree with Lina, it's like a tradition already that whenever Krishna comeback, we will go take sticker photos.ahaha. I also gotta agree with her that Marlin's expressions were the best!! JJangg! hehe. ;)

Our fangirl project meet-up today at LaMee. We also sat there for a few hours, from sunshine to rain and thunder!ahaha. But it was fun ^.^ Just foundout yesterday from my mum that I actually knew Tina since young? My mum showed me our kids pix when I was one year old and 2 years old.ahaha. Brunei is just that small eh? lol. I hope I can finish my part of the project by tomorrow. HWAITING!

G.NA, who was from Battle Shinhwa last time, and in the same group as Hyosung(Secret), Yoobin(Wonder Girls), and Uee(After School), has finally debuted! She's under Cube Entertainment now, so same family with B2ST and 4 Minute! Her album is nice! But her debut perfs were even better! Her live and vocals were awesome! She can make me feel the emotions of the song~꺼져 줄게 잘 살아 (I'll Back Off so You will Live Better). I love the lyrics to this song...touching and sad.
G.NA feat. Jun Hyung of B2ST - I'll Back Off so You will Live Better live perf.
Her MV for this song is soo hott!! Coz Doo Joonie is in it!!!haha. Doo Joon is soo handsome in this MV and he's so close to her!!! ahhhhhhhh...but is okie... :)
G.NA ---> I'll Back Off so You will Live Better MV
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