Yesterday can't wait already, so streamed and watched finish the basketball drama "Hot Shot!" (籃球火) by Jerry Yan, Xiao Zhu(Show Luo), and Wu Zhun. This drama is nice eventhough it's really 'kua zhang' (exaggerating). Jerry so handsome and Xiao Zhu soo cute in the drama! I really like Xiao Zhu's funny parts! He really soo comical in the drama!hahaha. It's been so long since the last time I watched his drama. The first drama I watched from him was "The Youth of Liang Shan Bo and Zhu Ying Ta" (新梁山伯祝英台) and it's a good drama too^^ I don't know why but Hot Shot's last episode made me cried a bit but I really don't like how they end the drama!argghhh...

The 5 PiLi Wolf members dancing to "Superman" on the court.hehe
I am going to blog backwards...ahaha...first am going to blog about my New Year 2009. On New Year, I went to Flor's mom's open house in Mentiri with Ing and Christian, and thank you Ing for the transport^^ We went there in the afternoon and just eat eat, talked and took piccies.haha

Chrsitan,Ing, and Flor. (time for desserts.hehe)

Flor said is "Filipino ver. of Bak Kut Teh".haha. Cow intestines anyone?

Chrsitan,Ing, and Flor. (time for desserts.hehe)

Christian suggested me to put in the fresh banana into the chocolate-vanilla Tasted not bad also.haha.

Flor,Ing and Me. STOP!!!


Ing and Christian posing cool-ly beside the road.haha

The cute lonely dog.hehe

Flor,Ing and Me. STOP!!!


Ing and Christian posing cool-ly beside the road.haha

The cute lonely dog.hehe

FINALLY!!! UBD's exam results out this afternoon! We all had waited soo long and I had been worrying for quite sometime. This afternoon finally received the sms results! I was soo relieved after I saw my results coz I PASSED all!!!ahaha. Eventhough not with flying colors but I'm glad still a pass especially for my MAC and Tax papers.hehe. So fast...coming Monday will be the start of our new semester already.huhuhu :)
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