Yesterday got thru' my english presentation interview. I was the last interviewee...and I think I just simply talked crap. I was soo sleepy while waiting for my turn coz waited for 3hrs+. After interview felt so relieved. Me&Ling had to wait 4 hours before going to our sunsaengnim's house. So in between, we were watching anime (forgot the name...but the anime is like 4 very pretty guys and 1 weird girl?ahaha) which made me chardao and laughed so much. Then we went to sunsaengnim's house coz we were going to have our class there. Her apartment is a cute lil' pink building.haha. Her room is nice, tidy&comfy too^^ We had a 30minutes class and then sunsaengnim showed us how to cook 떡볶이 (a broiled dish of sliced rice cake, meat, eggs, seasoning, etc.). She put ra myeon into the dish also. She also made us Korean fishcake soup. Both dishes also delicious! hahaha...hope to have this kind of class again soon^^
Some pix from the class yesterday:

After class, Ling sent me to airport. Moon left for KL yesterday night. But glad to see her posted in 10B after she arrived there.hehe. She's going back for work already so don't know when she will come back here again. Hopefully holidays I can go KL and visit friends ler. Oh and Lina collected our studio pix already and haha I look funny coz I don't know how come my neck is a bit up. Below are some of my idiot piccies from airport: