네, the title suits my feelings now since the day I've foundout B2ST will have a one night concert/fanmeeting in KL this July!~ 비스트의 말레이시아 콘서트 진짜 진짜 가고싶어서 매일 매일 생각해서서 미칠것같아! The concert ticket prices were not bad but AA's air ticket not that cheap but still can afford to go. The nice VIP numbered seats already soldout tho..maybe I should just go and buy the standing Rock zone one eventho it's really at the side/edge? As long as I can see B2ST and enjoy their live perfs eh? 어떡해? 어떡해? 그냥 가야돼죠?? Since it's at Sunway and so near MeowMeow's house, and can visit Moon,Nick they all also..another round of holidays?? haha Lina Lina how how?? Hmmmm
Before I cameback from S'pore last month, Lina and Marlin already waiting for me to go try "Taty's Burger" at Muara Town together coz alot of people gave positive reviews about their burgers esp. lamb burgers! So one night we really went all the way to Muara town and had a nice fulfilling dinner.hehe. It really didn't disappoint us coz their dishes were really yummy esp. the lamb burger! :)
Lina also blogged about this so do check them out here: CLICK CLICK!
Lina also blogged about this so do check them out here: CLICK CLICK!
The ambience. Lina and their customers were allowed to write or leave comments on their walls.

Me and the pretty scribbled wall. Marlin with 'lamb kebab'.

Lamb kebab and Grilled chicken with fries.

Lambchop with fries and their famous 'Lamb burger' (thumbs up!).

Cottage Pie

JinSyung and MinJin :D

Avatar pix created by Lina on her mobile's application! ahaha Cute right? XDDD

Song Ji Eun (Secret) feat. her upcoming junior rapper Bang Yong Guk - Going Crazy. I really love this song and her live is really nice!